The Bristol Bay Lady Angels first game is Wednesday, March 12th at 3:15 pm against Davis Ramoth! If you're in Anchorage, the games are at the Alaska Airlines Center! The games will be broadcast on NFHS for those not in Anchorage. If there is enough interest, we can plan to broadcast the games in the Auditorium.
2 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Girls state
There will be no Pee Wee Basketball this Sunday, March 9th! Practice will resume Tuesday, March 11th at 5 pm.
4 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
no pee wee
BBBSD Special Meeting for March 10, 2025 - 12pm
5 days ago, Board Secretary
BBBSD Special Meeting for March 10, 2025 - 12pm
Ms. Karls and Ms. Ludvick's class worked together to create a cultural cookbook! The classes worked hard on writing recipes, making cultural connections, and cooking! They sent it to a publishing company and they are now published authors!
5 days ago, Mary Ludvick
School Climate and Connectedness survey: Hello Families! Every couple of years, our school participates in this anonymous survey. This survey is conducted through the Association of Alaska School Boards and allows us to gather information about what is going well and what areas need improvement in our school . There are separate links for elementary and middle/high school. This survey will be open until March 21. We greatly appreciate all the feedback so we can make informed decisions. If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out. Elementary Parents Family Link: Middle/High School Family Link:
5 days ago, Rebecca Ingalls
The Class of 2026 is hosting a Bake Sale this Saturday, March 8th at King Salmon AC from 12-3 pm! They are raising funds for Prom this year, so come out and support them!
6 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
class of 2026 bake sale
That's a wrap for this year's battle of the books! The kids did great! The teams that made it to state participated on zoom for the first time. In the past it has always been by teleconference. We celebrated the end of the season with a sleepover at the school. Always a fun event! Lots of great memories made!
7 days ago, Mary Ludvick
bob 3/4
bob 5/6
bob sleepover
Congratulations to Olivia Harvilla for reaching the 1,000 point milestone!
7 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Pee Wee Basketball starts Tuesday, March 4th at 5 pm! If your child needs to stay after school on Tuesday and Thursday, please contact Rebecca at 907-469-1121 or or contact Mason at 907-469-2038 with any questions about Pee Wee Basketball.
8 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
pee wee
Read Across America week is March 3-7! Please see the attached flyer for this week's Spirit Week! We will also be hosting a Literacy Event on Wednesday, March 5th from 3:30-5 pm. All elementary students were sent home with permission slips to attend the event. Please make sure to sign and return your child's permission slip before the event on Wednesday! You can call the front office at 246-4265 with any questions.
10 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
spirit week
Literacy Event
The Bristol Bay Lady Angels are heading to the 2025 ASAA March Madness 1A State Championship!! Stay tuned for brackets and more info. You can also visit We are so proud of both Bristol Bay Angels teams for their amazing playing this weekend!
10 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
The Bristol Bay Lady Angels will play the Sand Point Eagles at 9:30 AM for the 2nd berth to the 1A State Championships! Let's Go Angels! Watch here:
11 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Lunch Menu for March! Breakfast is Continental Breakfast
11 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Day 3 of the Aleutian Chain Regional Conference is here! Both Bristol Bay Angels teams play the Tanalian Lynx today! Boys play at 10:30 am: Girls play at 1:30 pm: Let's Go Angels!
11 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Day 2 Brackets for the Aleutian Chain Regional Conferences! Girls play Sand Point at 3:00 pm. Stream Here: Boys play New Stuyahok at 4:00 pm. Stream Here: Let's Go Angels!
12 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
The Bristol Bay Lady Angels are in King Cove for the 1A Aleutians Chain Girls Regionals Conference and the Bristol Bay Angels are headed to Port Alsworth this morning for the 1A Aleutians Chain Boys Regionals Conference! *Updated 2/27: Girls play Sand Point @ 3 pm Boys play New Stuyahok @ 4 pm Girls games will be streamed here: Boys games will be streamed here: Let's Go Angels!
13 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Please see attached for upcoming ATV Helmets & Safety Course.
15 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
Preschool 4/kindergarten made some Qaspeq magnets to celebrate their learning on how clothes are made. They turned out pretty cool.
19 days ago, Miss Shawna
Our Middle School Basketball team is off to Dillingham for the Super Cub tournament! Their first game is at 11 against Manokotak! Games will be streamed on NFHS:
19 days ago, Fundraising Coordinator
ms basketball
Recently the Alaska Department of Education & Early Development (DEED) released the 2023-2024 Report Cards to the Public for each school district and school in Alaska. To view a 2023-2024 school or district report card to the public, go to Once there, you will be able to select which school or district report card to the public you wish to view. This user-friendly website aims to provide families with clear, common information about all public schools and districts in our State. These report cards to the public contain data and information about academics, school environment, teacher quality, and more. If you are unable to access the report cards to the public online, please contact us and let us know. We know that the report card to the public is just one of many ways you will engage with us at BBBSD. We look forward to sharing our school’s successes with you and working together to make our school better every day. In addition to the once per year assessment from the state, BBBSD staff collect a number of other items that better inform your child’s education. We hope you will closely follow your student’s academic progress and work with his or her teacher(s) to help ensure academic success. Working together as a team, we can improve not only how well our students are performing individually, but how our school and district is performing as a whole. There is nothing more important to administrators and teachers at BBBSD than ensuring that students are ready for the next step in their academic career. We look forward to partnering with you. If you have any questions or concerns regarding our school or district report card to the public, please don’t hesitate to contact Superintendent Harvilla at or Principal Ingalls at
20 days ago, Bristol Bay Borough School