Magnets bring us smiles
about 4 years ago, Becky Allen--Pre4/K aide
magnets bring us smiles
Miss Heather sneakily took a picture of Mr. Burt spending a little time reading to the 1st and 2nd graders on the floor of the church this week. With all necessary social distance protocols in place, or course!
about 4 years ago, Burton Smith
Mr. Burt reading to 1st and 2nd graders
Good day, There has been a miscommunication regarding if students can attend school, after parents travel. If a parent travels and the student does not, the student may continue to attend in person school as normal. Please email with any questions.
about 4 years ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Pre-K 3's Art Gallery. Some titles of the pieces include Snake, Home and It's a Boo-ya!
about 4 years ago, Miss Heather
Pre-K 3 Art Gallery
Students in World Languages and Cultures Club enjoyed croissants, hot chocolate, and jam from France yesterday to celebrate French night! We also learned about Francophone history/culture and wrote dialogues in French with a partner. Next week we are learning about Germany with special guest Mr. Burt!
about 4 years ago, Madeline Carwile
Croissants, jam, and hot chocolate!
Math is sooo much fun with Miss Shawna
about 4 years ago, Becky Allen--Pre4/K aide
math is sooo much fun with Miss Shawna
Are future investment brokers in the Borough? Students in Financial Literacy were given $100,000 to (pretend) invest in the stock market. Over a six week period in the second quarter, they overcame initial losses to finish strong, earning anywhere from $2K to over $11K!
about 4 years ago, Kent Kraft
Outcomes of Investment Project
Parents, please make sure to check backpacks over the weekend. A lot of kids may have left over snacks.
about 4 years ago, Miss Shawna
Puppet fun!
about 4 years ago, Becky Allen--Pre4/K aide
Puppet fun
Puppet fun
We made drums!
about 4 years ago, Becky Allen--Pre4/K aide
we made drums!
Snow-much fun!
about 4 years ago, Miss Shawna
Mariah and Makena
Brynja making a polar bear
Maci, Michael, Azaylium with Hairy
Make sure your app is set up to keep you informed with everything happening at BBBSD! Use your settings to allow push notifications so you're always up-to-date.
about 4 years ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
App Notifications How-To
Miss Shawna’s students using their fine motor muscles. Each activity helps with handwriting while practicing in a fun way.
about 4 years ago, Shawna Wilson
Fine motor practice: pulling buttons through a slit of fabric.
Yaretzi using a hole puncher to create a beautiful masterpiece.
Azaylium using tongs to transfer item back and forth. Great fine motor practice
matching the silhouettes with the shape. Using fine motor skills to pin the clothes pins to the right silhouette.
Here are some awesome photos of my class using their knowledge and problem solving skills to do their work.
about 4 years ago, Shawna Wilson
Brynja working on the felt pizza. They have to show how many pepperonis go onto each slice to represent the number.
Leo showing the shapes he has made using the geo-board.
Ace making an ice tower. Was very tricky and slippery.
Leo and Mariah using their problem solving skills and geometric thinking to build.
Students in World Languages and Cultures Club had lots of fun last night learning how to use chopsticks, eating Chinese food, and practicing writing Chinese characters! Students in grades 5-8 are welcome to join every Tuesday from 4-5pm!
about 4 years ago, Madeline Carwile
All smiles at Culture Club!
Learning how to eat with chopsticks!
Having fun with chopsticks!
Getting every last bite with chopsticks!
We're thrilled to announce Bristol Bay Borough School District's new app! Access updates, menus, announcements, documents, and even emergency notifications, all in one place! Download the app on Android: or iPhone:
about 4 years ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
App Launch Poster
Updated Morning Bus List
about 4 years ago, Shannon Harvilla
Morning Bus List
Superintendent's Update, 2/20/21
about 4 years ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Superintendent's Message
Cold Weather Transportation Policy Reminder
about 4 years ago, Shannon Harvilla
Cold Weather
As part of the at-home cooking program, students are being given History Unboxed Chocolate kits to take home & enjoy with family & siblings. Focused on the origins of chocolate, the kits have hands-on activities, taste tests, fun facts, & even recipes for adult-supervised cooking to continue our program of learning through food. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at Enjoy!
about 4 years ago, Caleb Kresl
Chocolate Kit