The Sports Awards/ Potluck is tomorrow night at 6:00 pm in the school's auditorium, bring a dish to share!
10 months ago, Kira Olsen
Come Join the Fun @ our Sports Awards/ Potluck Night May 7th @ 6:00pm. Bring a dish to share.
10 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
MS/HS Sports Awards
Thank you Jessica Klejka for coming in and talking about your adventures on the Iditarod trail. Miss Shawna's class loved cheering you on this year.
10 months ago, Miss Shawna
Update: The little bus is anticipated to be fixed at the earliest, May 13th. We will continue to update when we hear about it. As of now, expect the bus schedule to continue the way it's been for the next 2 1/2 weeks.
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
Good afternoon preschool parents, the little bus is down for repairs once again and we will be on this schedule until further notice. Pre-K 3 will ride the big bus in the morning and parents will need to pick them up at 12:00 in the afternoon. Pre-K 4 will need parents to drop them off at school in the morning and ride the big bus home in the evening. We appreciate your understanding at this time.
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
2024-2025 Board Approved Calendar
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Topic: April Monthly Board Meeting Time: Apr 16, 2024 07:30 PM Alaska Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 876 1809 1470 Passcode: 831046 --- One tap mobile +12532050468,,87618091470# US +12532158782,,87618091470# US (Tacoma) --- Dial by your location • +1 253 205 0468 US • +1 253 215 8782 US (Tacoma) • +1 346 248 7799 US (Houston) • +1 669 444 9171 US • +1 669 900 6833 US (San Jose) • +1 719 359 4580 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 360 209 5623 US • +1 386 347 5053 US • +1 507 473 4847 US • +1 564 217 2000 US • +1 646 931 3860 US • +1 689 278 1000 US • +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) • +1 301 715 8592 US (Washington DC) • +1 305 224 1968 US • +1 309 205 3325 US Meeting ID: 876 1809 1470 Find your local number:
11 months ago, Gwen Quale
Just a reminder the Kanakanak Dental team is in the building doing teeth cleanings, fillings, and more! Students that have their permission slips filled out from the beginning of the year will be seen. If you have not filled one out and would like your child to, please stop by the office! For after school hours and personal appointments call their office at (907)-843-2597
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
The small bus will be in for repair from Wednesday through Friday and possibly Monday. Starting tomorrow the Pre K threes will ride the big bus in the morning and parents will need to pick them up in the evening. Pre K four will need parents to drop them off at school in the morning and ride the big bus home in the evening. We will keep you updated when the small bus is repaired. Sorry for any inconvenience
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Lice Check Update: The Camai Clinic came over this afternoon to check heads. While we did not get to everyone, we did not find any lice. If your child shows any scalp itchiness, please check the nape of their neck. Camai will be back in the morning to finish checking heads.
11 months ago, Rebecca Ingalls
Lice Check: The school was informed that lice may be in the community. As a precaution, we will have the Camai Clinic come and do head checks.
11 months ago, Rebecca Ingalls
Good morning, clubs will be held today after school from 3:30 to 5:15. Next week Monday, April 22nd clubs are canceled due to staff training.
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
Bristol Bay NYO dominated in New Stuyahok this weekend! We are so proud of our Angels! Kneel Jump - Bella (2nd ‐ 29 1/4") Wrist Carry - Jeremi (3rd - 348 m) Scissor Broad Jump - Liv (3rd - 20' 11 5/8") Chad (2nd - 27' 7 1/4") Alaskan High Kick - Bella (1st - 61")/Liv (3rd - 52")/Aitu (1st - 74")/Julian (2nd - 70") Eskimo Stick Pull- Ari (1st)/Tiffany (3rd)/Lewis (1st)/ Chad (3rd) 1-Arm Reach - Bella (1st - 51") 2-Foot High Kick - Aitu (1st - 78") 1-Foot High Kick- Jeremi (1st - 92")/Julian (2nd - 88")/ Aitu (3rd - 84") Seal Hop - Liv (2nd - 64' 3")/ Julian (3rd - 44' 8 3/8") Indian Stick Pull - Tiffany (1st)/ Bella (2nd) Lewis (1st) Toe Kick - Bella & Liv braved the challenge, but we unable to kick starting.
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Please Join us Tuesday May 7th @ 6:00pm for our annual Middle & High School Sports Awards & Potluck.
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
Sports Awards & Potluck
Come join us for the school carnival on Saturday, April 20th from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m!! There will be plenty of games, food from concessions, and lots of fun for everyone!
11 months ago, Kira Olsen
school carnival
Huge Shout out to Coach Paulie and to Mr Harvilla's expertise spaghetti noodle cooking, we had a wonderful NYO spaghetti feed and event. Shout out to all this Student Athletes for their hard work and amazing desserts they bought.
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
May 2024 Breakfast & Lunch Menu
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
May Lunch Menu
May Breakfast Menu
Updated Times: Come out and show off your skills and support the Bristol Bay NYO Athletes!
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School
The bus will return to operating on a normal morning and afternoon schedule tomorrow April, 3rd. Sorry for any inconvenience today!
11 months ago, Bristol Bay Borough School